Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Expensive Surfboards

Ten artists, musicians and designers have teamed together with SAS in a campaign to for cleaner seas. Artists include Banksy, David Carson, and Damien Hurst. Interestingly artist Damien Hursts' design is expected to sell for around £84,000.

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

Banksy's Exhibtion


Banksy's exhibition was very different to what one would usually expect to see inside a museum; that is however what most people would expect from him.

What surprised me about the exhibition wasn't the digs at today's society that most of us have thought before. Or the unusual graffiti. What I found most striking was the skill he obviously holds, and the way he used it to address his issues. Playing a game with the public, he placed beautiful landscapes and 'classic paintings' with a spin among the usual exhibition. I couldn't figure out how much of these he had contributed to, or if he had a team of artists working towards the output for this exhibition.

The exhibition was fantastic to look around, enthusing even the most unartistic.

Saturday, 20 June 2009

Honda's Story

Michele D'Auria's demonstrates his insight of The Honda Story in a 10 minute short film, about their slogan, 'The power of dreams.'
He produces a simple yet powerful idea, by illustrating characters and reconstructing them in After Effects. His drawings come to life in the film as Soichiro Honda invents the motorcycle in his sleep through the blowing wind. The idea's are simple yet executed brilliantly, along with a fitting sound track.